

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday at last.

Yes, the week is so long feeling that I am just grateful to get to Wednesday. Friday should feel great!

Maddie made it through "math day" for the Terra Nova's. She said it was "fun" which either means that she is so stressed she is hallucinating or that she found it easy. She said there was only one question that at first glance threw her off, then once she re-read it she was fine.

Day three of enriching Aggie went well- the kong with the cookie in it won out over the ball and frisbee rubbed in bacon.....yes, it was scent day. I think it just means that Aggie isn't stupid- she choose the actual food source rather than large toys that she knew couldn't possibly be bacon. Tomorrow is the great toy-off. I'll let you know the ultimate winner you are on the edge of your seat!

Ellie worked more on her science project tonight. Did a great job pasting and trimming. It looks like it will all fit nicely.
I don't think I mentioned it earlier in the week- I know I said they did well at the swim meet on the weekend, but I never said that Ellie was the third high scorer in her age group. Very proud of her.
Oh, and you gotta see these cute bananas- Marcie from Kevin's work sent them home with him, she grows them!

My school is gearing up for accreditation next week. Very stressful as our school has never been fully accredited, only consistantly on probation. The accreditation team arrives this weekend and will be at our school Monday. I am scheduled with my committee to meet them Monday at 9am for questioning .........did I mention stressful? They will be doing classroom visits as well. I knew this was coming months ago, so I scheduled my classes to be presenting their yearly projects on those two days. Lets me off the hook a bit but still not looking forward to the whole thing, and will feel much better come Tuesday at 2:45.

1 comment:

  1. What did you think of those cute apple bananas? My girls LOVED them when we were in Hawaii....and the perfect size if you ask me.

    Girls seem to be thriving! Good for them!

    Good luck with the accreditation team -- I am sure you will WOW them!
