

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Flat People.

This is the new thing around our house- we had a Flat Maddie, a Flat Ellie and a Flat Kate.
This picture is Flat Ellie and she made it all the way from Brussels to Virginia then on to Ohio. Our Flat Kate is in Welland with a friend of Ellie's right now and Flat Maddie has been back and forth to Virginia twice.
Really fun way for the girls to write letters, make up stories, and keep in touch with friends.

Swim practice tonight, Ellie had the chance to move up a lane with Coach Toshi. It was nice for her to get some special treatment- he chose out his top juniors and did stroke work. She was quite smile-y over the whole thing. Great to see her working hard at it.

One more day for me! I have tomorrow to live through then a week off for spring break...... Spring cleaning here I come!


  1. So where is Flat Ellie in this picture?
    If she is "home again" have Mike bring her here to San Diego for a visit! :)

  2. She is in a military museum in Brussels. I think Flat Ellie is in Ohio right now. As soon as she comes home we will mail her out to you- the boys will like it much better getting her in the mail!
