

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day Three.

Everyone had a happy day......
Got a lot done- walked Aggie (her three minute stroll out the front of the house) spring removal (that means going through the whole house with a garbage bag tossing anything useless) some cleaning, and yes even some TV watching.
Got the girls after school and surprised them with going to see "How to Train Your Dragon"- really enjoyed the movie. Picked up Thai food on the way home. Good day.

I finally feel like I am on vacation- I forgot how much I miss time just being here at home, cleaning and organizing. Really good day.
The best part is I have tomorrow to do the same!


  1. so you LIKE? cleaning and organizing...... what can I trade for help with that when I get there??

  2. LOVE organizing- label maker is my best friend :)
