

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday at Last!

Apparently all the environmental enrichment is paying off with Aggie.
She has become an over achiever now- even fetches the newspaper!
(sorry about the redeye- so unavoidable with her!)

Maddie made it through testing week. Glad to have it done.
Tomorrow we are going to a homeschooler book sale. We are hoping to get a French program (Maddie is dying to learn French) and a curriculum that uses historical fictions as its basis. Probably get some good used books for the girls as well. Went to a huge one of these sales in Richmond and loved it- I will let you know what the one here is like.

I have two more days to get ready for the accreditation team. Makes me so nervous I don't even want to talk about it......

Ellie is looking very good in swim practice. Her friend Samantha is a good swimmer for her to be paired up with (which they usually are) because she is a "go getter"- it really motivates Ellie to keep pace with Samantha. Samantha by the way was the number two point achiever at the last meet where Ellie was number three. I said to Samantha that they should stick together and always be number two and number three, that they could be like twins! Samantha replied "No, I want to be number one." I have yet to ever hear that out of my girls mouths- they just don't have that killer instinct. In a way I am grateful that they aren't overly competitive- so we'll have to just keep counting on the "Samanthas" of the world to motivate them.

And good news, my blog title is applicable again now that you guys have "sprung forward". For awhile there it was just embarrassing to be called "fourteen hours forward" when you guys were actually fifteen behind :)
Hope you have a great end to your week!

1 comment:

  1. forgot to ask if Maddie is doing anything with the violin?
    The Staples visited briefly today for lunch and went to see the Grands as well...both boys collected for their birthdays, sheldon came too....he is so sweet and huge,,At five months he makes a St Bernard look small.
    Harley took an instant dislike and was lucky sheldon didn't swallow him for lunch,
    Those palm tree pictures keep me going,
