

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Big Day Tomorrow

Maddie is going on her first field trip tomorrow without me. I know, she is ten and this should have happened a long time ago. The thing is I have always been the stay at home mom who volunteered for all classroom goings on.
The good thing is that she is completely fine with this. The only tense one is me. She is going to some sort of Chamorro singing show and then to lunch. Madison is really excited. Its nice to see her excited for a school activity rather than planning a protest for it. Now if I can just get her through the standardized tests she has next week with a positive attitude I'll consider these weeks a victory.
Ellie is great- thats all. School is fun, friends are great, swim championships are this weekend and she has the world by the tail, as usual.
I have survived March- yes I realize that March is not even half way over, but I am calling it. My hard core unit stuff for my classes is complete- their tests are tomorrow. That takes me into next week which are midterms. Then straight into accreditation, project presentations and sailing straight into my March break. I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel! So if you guys catch me not blogging, it is sheer laziness and has nothing to do with my workload- hold me to that.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about the field trip!

    Testing next week uh?

    That throws a kink in the plans in my head... testing here isn't until June(ish) I think...... hmmm....

    Okay, sorry, thinking out loud.

    Hugs to all and happy sping break!
    We are looking forward to Mike's visit.
    Hopefully he will actually make his reservations soon, so I know what day to expect him! :P
