

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day is done....

gone the sun..... that is from my camp days - don't know where that random memory came from....

Busy Sunday, starting with church, then on to the exchange which is sooo full of Christmas stuff. The funny thing is that I have been here long enough that the tropical weather doesn't feel weird mixed with the coming holidays. I distinctly remember having a hard time wrapping my head around a tropical Christmas. Apparently it only takes one year for that to go away. Wonder how long it'll take to transition back to loving a snowy Christmas?

The girls spent the afternoon playing Monopoly.
Loved the play by play that Ellie would come running out with every so often. They had a good time with it.
Supper was a dinner party at the CO's house. Lots of people that Kevin works with there. It was a very well put together gathering. Nice to see some of them that I hadn't seen in a while...... also glad to be back home!

Gotta run- lesson planning to get on.
Starting another week.... I swear the weekends are getting shorter....

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