Good news- its a Saturday and we have no where we have to be.....bad news for the girls is that it is a Saturday and we have no where we have to be...... sad girls trying to find something to do, with threats from their mom "Oh I'll find something for you to do!"
Ellie made cinnamon rolls. Its her new passion to have breakfast that has healthy stuff- and one cinnamon roll to top it off! I need to learn how to make homemade ones.......
Poor Maddie- this is a picture of her at 5pm when she should be on her way to swimming........ she looks so sad to be missing it right?
Maddie has been running a low fever today, so we decided to keep her home. To give her credit, she did put up a small protest about missing swimming.... very small.
So Kevin took Ellie off to swimming, and I am home with Maddie on the couch- and a whole week of lesson planning staring at me- as I have said before, oy.
So Kevin took Ellie off to swimming, and I am home with Maddie on the couch- and a whole week of lesson planning staring at me- as I have said before, oy.
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