Ellie is still off school, so had a day at home with Maddy and Daddy. Seems she was enjoying some time with Mom's camera.......

Of course Maddy was one of the main subjects.

A little artistic license was used here for an upside down shot of the bitty twins.

Then Maddy with the bitty twins.....

and of course......just the bitty twins.

Aggie was the second most popular thing in the 150 pictures she took....we have head shots,

her tail,

and an ear.

Here is proof that work was being done while I was at work...... though when I got home there were two kids and one dad on the couch playing video games and a lot of everything everywhere! I had the girls pause the game and do a clean up...... they hopped up to do it, the only one grumbling was the dad......

Brown Bear enjoyed his day- he is Ellie's best friend and always loves the days that Ellie spends at home, she takes him everywhere with her in the house. You can tell he is happy by his smile.

And of course Mom home from work- her final photo subject of the day.
Thanks Ellie for all the photos for my blog- made for an easy day for me! Love you!
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