Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
First Day of School
Both girls really positive about their classes, their teachers and their classmates. Maddie had some tears going in, but it was truly short lived. Two minutes of crying just on the way into homeroom- unfortunate timing as thats really when you want to be at your best, but there it is......the tears stopped instantly once she was in the room and with her friends.
Ellie got right into her class- backpack up and sat down...... only a brief look on her face of minor panic-then chatted to the girl next to her and she was fine- piece of cake!
Maddie says she loves her middle school schedule of changing classes and having a variety of teachers. Ellie thought her teacher "had a really positive attitude" and a nice smile :)
I am sure the new "kicks" along with the fun socks we found out in town had a huge role in making the first day awesome.
Glad that the day ended with all positives... happy girls in a new school year!
Day one down- 179 to go....
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Spanish steps revisited- in pictures.....lots of pictures!
A lot of these photos are courtesy of our Maddie!
......and Mrs Thornton.
Later on Saturday we went to the school to check out new teacher names for the girls. Yep, thats right- first day of school tomorrow!
Here is Ellie looking for her name......
.....and here is the happy dance that followed because she got the first floor classroom that she wanted.
The sad news...... not in Zion's class. But she was happy to see that a lot of her friends from last year are in his class so they will be there to help Zion in a new school. She doesn't really know anyone in her own classroom- but she is always fine in new situations, plus she has lunch and recess with Zion and her friends. Something I thought was pretty neat- her teacher called today to talk to Ellie, and to see if she had any questions about her new school year. Really, how nice is that? Ellie is overall really excited about her first day!

..... then we have Maddie......
Its been a rough last five days, with a lot of crying. Today we got past the all out bawling and moved into silent tears rolling down her cheeks. Reading as usual is her escape- downloaded "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" onto Kevin's itouch for her tonight...... someone let me know if it is age appropriate would you? Kevin said it was fine, but really..... he and I have different levels of "fine" where Maddie's reading content is concerned. Anyway, that distracted her enough to stop the tears. Feeling so bad for my girl......
I am sure to have first day of school photos for tomorrow nights blog- and hopefully happy reports from the girls on their first day.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
One last hoorah.....
One last day of having a man-servant in the house.
Supper was cooked, laundry was done- and with me totally taking advantage of the situation, he is taking the kids to swimming so I can be home........ mourning the loss of my stay-at-home-husband :(
Guam definitely has the market cornered on massive downpours. You would not believe the amount of rain that can fall in a matter of minutes here. Maddie said today "good thing its Guam and it'll stop in 8 minutes". The bummer is that after two of those 8 min you are completely soaked so it might as well rain all day- cause really, there aren't that many variations on being "soaked". You either are or you aren't. And chances are on Guam, you are.
These two pictures by the way were taken out my front windshield...... great visibility eh?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Guest Blogger - The Stay-at-Home-Dad
You know, a guy could get used to this.
Although today was fairly busy. Up at 6:45 a.m. to make an 8:00 a.m. dentist appointment (Sam scheduled this date and time for me and the girls on our week off - thanks!). Heck, we were out the door before Sam even left for work -- hmm, maybe that was all part of her plan?
Here is a photo of the girls after their cleaning and check-up. No cavities for either one, although Ellie will be going back in a month to get sealants put on her back molars.
(Note: they are sitting on molar teeth)
Since we were up early for the dentist, I was planning to take the girls "up north" to a beach I had checked out while they were away in Canada this summer. Fortunately, the weather cooperated and we were treated with a day in sandy paradise. To get there though, you have to drive down a fairly windy downhill road. Ellie didn't quite make it and threw up her McDonald's pancakes. Gotta give her credit though, she caught most of it in her hands and was able to finish by leaning out the window. She apologized profusely afterwards for throwing up all down the outside of the door. Only a little ended up in the car.
Once at the bottom, we were treated to a great spot and great view:
For the first time in a while Ellie got into snorkeling. It's tough to master the snorkel when the mask doesn't fit. Here, she is borrowing Maddie's but it's really too big. I wound up buying her one at the Anderson Air Force Base Exchange - hopefully the mask is a bit smaller for her.
At the Air Force Base we grabbed lunch and milk shakes (yum) and headed home. We got back just in time for a quick bite to eat and then Sam wisked them up to swim practice.
After they left, I worked on figuring out why out internet had been on the fritz the last couple of days. I narrowed it down to my wireless router. It seems to have gone bad. I called our internet/phone/and TV provider to figure out how to configure the iMac for an Ethernet connection (wired). While speaking with him, he said he could enable the wireless functionality on the box they gave us. He did and now we're up on the "internets" again. All in all, a great day.
Take care,
The Stay At Home 'A Guy Could Get Used To This' Dad
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Taking Kevin's kudos back.....
Ok, so I won't take them back- but by the looks of the house, day three wasn't as smooth as the first two.
The words from Kevin's mouth "I don't know what happened, the day went fast". The girls had their usual homework time, and some park time with the Thorntons. He did have to put a clinic visit in there- Ellie is on antibiotics for a sinus infection.....and yes supper was made. But the house is a bit sad- Kevin said as he went out the door to take the girls swimming "sorry the house is a mess"- really, not an awe inspiring stay at home dad statement.
I won't complain as the bonus of my "stay at home husband" tonight is that I got to not take the girls to swimming and get school work done here instead.......... hindered only by having to clean up the house and getting my blog done :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Giving Kevin Kudos
This picture is so that Ann and Gene can see that their choice of books for the girls (if you look at the title, I believe Gene chose this one...) are still read often :)
Super huge happy birthday to Micki!
Hope you have a great day (in Disney none the less!) and know that I am thinking of you. And know also that I am glad you are older than me....... its at least some comfort.
Happy Birthday!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The weekend is gone....
....but we had some fun! Of course Kevin and the girls are off for this whole next week, ready to have a lot MORE fun while I am working- I think I am bitter.....
Wanted to put out a big happy birthday to one of my favorite people on this earth- my Grandma!
I love you Grandma and I am so grateful for you everyday. Your love for me over the years has really been something that I count on- your humor and joy are a blessing to everyone in your family, and especially to me. I wish I were there to hug you and wish you a "Happy Birthday" in person.
..... I know I have used this picture on the blog before, but really- still love it!

Happy Birthday Grandma!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Saturday Blues.
Good news- its a Saturday and we have no where we have to be.....bad news for the girls is that it is a Saturday and we have no where we have to be...... sad girls trying to find something to do, with threats from their mom "Oh I'll find something for you to do!"
Ellie made cinnamon rolls. Its her new passion to have breakfast that has healthy stuff- and one cinnamon roll to top it off! I need to learn how to make homemade ones.......
Poor Maddie- this is a picture of her at 5pm when she should be on her way to swimming........ she looks so sad to be missing it right?
Maddie has been running a low fever today, so we decided to keep her home. To give her credit, she did put up a small protest about missing swimming.... very small.
So Kevin took Ellie off to swimming, and I am home with Maddie on the couch- and a whole week of lesson planning staring at me- as I have said before, oy.
So Kevin took Ellie off to swimming, and I am home with Maddie on the couch- and a whole week of lesson planning staring at me- as I have said before, oy.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Lovin' their days off!
The girls had a great day of games, crafts, movies and snacks.... spoiling them rotten and making it that much harder when it comes time to get back to school. One week and counting....

Both girls exhausted tonight and fighting head colds.
Since swim practice was cancelled in the morning- I am sure there will be pajamas on the couch and Saturday morning shows :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A Disney Wanna-be

They are having a great time- the best we can hope for is either Disney Tokyo or a trip to Disney World next summer when we are home...... sigh!
Had a girls night with Melda.
Went to Ruby Tuesdays (ate so much of everything else-truly did not get any of the salad bar which is what we went for......) and got some pretty nails!
Thanks to Kevin for taking the girls to swimming for me- and thanks to Melda for hanging out :)
The girls have one more day with the sitter, and then a week home with dad- school is just around the corner......
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Summer vacation lives on.
Maddy is up for earning some extra money (I am suspicious as to what she is saving for......) so she is happily doing housework for a few bucks. And Kevin happily gave over the weed pulling so she could make a few bucks. Though when he offered to pay a dollar per bag- I don't think he knew that there were enough weeds out there to fill 12.
Ellie is spending a lot of time with books and computer games. She informed me today that she will put putting a request for a "Club Penguin" membership on her Christmas List...... now all I have to do is figure out exactly what that is....
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