

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sorry to bore...

I hate to do this to you guys, but I have been having requests to blog pictures of the inside of the house- so anyone who has no interest feel free to X out the blog now for the day. To everyone else- here are a series of pictures that pretty much cover the house (minus the office-its still a show!)

Maddie and Ellie's room- we have them sharing a room this move-hoping for some sisterly far it seems to be a positive thing. We figured worse case scenario we throw them in together- they end up fighting horribly and only one of them makes it...less tuition for us...
The living room, dining room, and kitchen all connect to each other. This is the dining room:
Here are different views of the living room:
Lastly the kitchen.

None of it a thrill- but gives you an idea of what we are living in for the next two years. Its all our same stuff, just in a different order- its kinda like Tetris every time we move. Move it all around until it fits.


  1. I don't know how I let this go by without saying how nice your house looks. Are there any of those infamous *bamboo...they're hard you know* floors?

  2. Only ceramic tiles... but I am highly impressed that you remember the bamboo!
