

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Madison!

Well its official- she is 10.
Maddie had a great day that was all about her (she might argue that her sister tagged along therefore it was never solely about Madison...but don't believe her). The day started like Christmas morning- only all the gifts were for Maddie. She really enjoyed this- usually there is waiting for a party or for diner, but this year we did things differently. With the move being so recent and Madison growing up-we forewent the big friend party. Another sign that they are getting so big!

The very first "openings" of anything were some birthday cards that she has been drooling over for weeks - thanks to Grandma with the Angels, Grandma Dockman, and Grandma Sue! Then she headed over to the computer for her birthday wishes there- thanks to Barb and Ross, and Bubbie and Poppa Jack...also thanks to Julie and Paul for their birthday phone call...I am impressed you have the time difference down. After that there was wrapping paper everywhere- and a whole lot of pink everything! For the first year ever there was make-up (pink lip gloss counts as make-up when you are trying so hard to be a big girl) pink stuffed animals (thanks Aunt Michele- she LOVED it) pink socks and sunglasses (kudos to Grandma Gillam for braving the pre-teen stores...and kudos to Grandpa Gillam for sitting on a bench outside of them!) The only things not pink were the book I got her (which she has already finished today) and the snorkel set Dad got her.
We all went out to breakfast followed by a spa appointment for Madison. Hair styled, fingers and toes painted...and she so adored every minute of it.
Of course some ice cream to follow up the events (birthday cake will be tomorrow- she actually had a friend's birthday party to go to this afternoon so we didn't want to have a two cake day).
She is all girl- and now I guess she is all 'big-girl'....I couldn't adore her more.
Happy Birthday Maddie.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to our big double-digit girl..We love you and miss you but we are so very glad you had a special day and had so much fun.Poppa Joe and I are thinking of you on your special day. Love those really are a glam girl now. Love to all
