

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Its not us.

I was dodging in and out of torrential rain storms today- trying to get dry kids to school, trying to keep dry out on errands- not an easy task. The uniform here is waterproof flip flops and an umbrella- and you still get soaked. Its the sideways rain that gets you. I did a lot of mental complaining...but I guess I should just be grateful.

Apparently there is a super typhoon (Choi-Wan...don't ask for pronunciation on that) that missed us, went north of Saipan and is still on the rampage. Winds are upwards of 130mph gusting to 160mph. It didn't do any damage to Saipan...Kevin's secretary (who is from Saipan) called it a "banana typhoon" which means it didn't even blow over the banana trees. But that was before it hit "super" status. Its suppose to gust as high as 170mph before its done.

I am not looking forward to a typhoon actually hitting here. Last time we lived here there was a big one...Typhoon Paka. We lived through it, with my biggest worry being my poor little Alex (my sweet boonie dog whom I love dearly and miss) cowering in the bathroom with me as that was the only room we had without windows. This time through I have the girls to worry about.
Really not looking for one to hit here.

I'll keep the torrential rain and try to stop complaining...

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I was thankful for no typhoons or hurricanes while we were in Hawaii....cannot imagine with kids how much fun that would be. We dealt with 3 days without power due to a storm but that was it... Good luck and stay dry! I can only imagine that kind of rain.
