

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Really quick....

....I will apologize for the lack of post yesterday and for the short one tonight. It is Sunday night- and I have so much to do and so little done! We have been running around all weekend, the good part of that is we have seen a fair amount of the Thorntons which is really so nice as we love our time with them and they are leaving Tuesday, so they will be heartily missed by us.
I don't have any pictures from our pool time with them today because Kevin has been "fixing" my computer lately and I have been losing many pictures including Ellie's birthday ones- and no, I am not happy.

So I will hope to have more blogging time tomorrow night- I will however for your amusement throw in a random picture:
This pack of wild pigs were on base near housing. We saw them on the way home from grocery shopping a few weeks back. Hilarious- and so cute! When we pulled to the side of the road all the babies looked our way and the mother stood tense ready to bolt into the bushes. I would have loved to have gotten out of the car to go pet one, but the mom would probably frown upon tusks on her but I am sure she can be feisty.

One more thing- Sheldon has become the center of the Staples existence- so well loved by all the Welland Staples .... including Barb and Ross from what I hear! I am sure he will be spoiled rotten by spring. But look at that face? How can you not adore him. Thanks Barb for taking the pictures that Micki sent.... made my day :)

1 comment:

  1. Working on an Apple computer? OMG! No wonder it's so cold in Mississippi today. Hell has frozen over!!
