

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Ellie has a temper.

Didn't really know this before. I mean, she has had her moments of disagreeing with me, or being frustrated when things aren't going her way- but a temper? Really never seen it.
Well the last couple of weeks she has been a bit ornery. A little quicker to be angry with her sister, more likely to say "no" to me, and a little slower to do what she is told. Well it all came to a head tonight. Full blown screaming at the top of her lungs, angry, yelling "No, I will not!" and various other versions of the same. Spent a lot of time in her room tonight....... some of it stomping, some of it crying, and some stuffed animal throwing I am sure by the looks of it when she came out. It was all bad enough that Maddie actually looked up from her book long enough to say "What's up with her?"
Ellie settled down eventually and did what she was told, apologized for the whole thing. But let me tell you, if this is a new trend...... I am moving out.

On another note, wanted to show you this picture. It is a carrier a student of mine made for her "baby" aka "sack of flour".
You can hardly tell by the picture but it is her "baby" in the carrier with a bonnet on its head, a pacifier, a teddy and diaper changing kit all in there. If you look closely you even see a saint/cross pin on it- something they all do here to keep their babies and pregnant ladies safe from the Tataomona (sp?) which is like bad spirits I think.
We are doing infant care this week so their project right now is to keep a sack of flour/sugar/rice/whatever alive for a week. They have to calculate out financial needs, research safety needs etc. They are all getting their babies tomorrow, but this girl was so excited she started today. I am supplying some of them with their newborns- so was happy to find corn flour on sale for 10 cents a sack! Can't beat that, their moms can do some baking when the week is over.

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