

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Day More....

One more day until we are all off for Thanksgiving! I have already put in my order for pizza for supper tomorrow night so that I can get some cooking done. The girls are excited for their half day off tomorrow. I just need to get through a day with a bunch of hyper teens who will be wishing they were starting their Thanksgiving break expectations for tomorrow are way low.

Maddie has joined the choir and has stayed late the last two nights for extra practice thus the doing of homework after swim practice instead of before. She is loving all the Christmas songs they are learning- we are hearing them nonstop around the house. Combine that with the musical/play she is in.....there is a lot of singing. The neighbors haven't complained yet.

Ellie is practicing some Christmas songs on the piano....daily. She has decided that for the New Years Eve talent show she will be playing and singing some choice carols. Ellie believes in getting on top of these things early- doesn't want to be caught without a talent I guess. Doing a great is the repetitiveness of it that gets to you eventually.
I don't know if you can see in the background, but its Monday Night Football on the TV.....and yes it is Tuesday. Love that we get everything a day late.... it just drags football further into the week, makes it feel like there is always a game on......always except Thanksgiving Day. There are times when being a day ahead is not beneficial. I won't be me missing it, but there may be some mopey guys here Thursday.

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