

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Keeping Busy.

Sunday was, as usual, a catch all. Anything in the week not done will definitely have to be done on our Sunday, so it often turns into a mish-mash of chores. The one big job that was done (with many tears might I add) was clearing out some of the girls books and clothes. Books being very personal to Maddie are not easily parted with- but she did a very good job of clearing out some of the old and rearranging her shelves according to author and subject. What you see here is one of 3 set of shelves she has...
-but all to good use as she truly does reread books regularily (Bubby- she just reread yesterday the astrology sign book from her birthday shopping and one of her Shel Silverstein poem books). Ellie also did her shelves-with Mommy doing most of the arranging of books once they were thinned.
Ellie is reading Through the Looking Glass right now and is loving it- she is covering the first title in this picture because this book also has Alice in Wonderland in it- previously read and equally loved.
Clothes clearing out went well also. They were each able to thin out any of the outgrown or over worn clothes- so their drawers are now neat, and more important....they are close-able! Ever since I have had the girls being responsible for their clothes (wearing, putting in the laundry and putting away) their drawers suddenly don't slide shut properly - I wonder how that happens? Here is a finished example of the neat drawers....
Pretty nice eh? I think our clean out would even make Barb proud...

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The girls have literally only 14 days of school in all of November- so many days off- and Thanksgiving is only two of those! Already shopping for Christmas- by the way Gene and Ann, Ellie was so sure you were coming for Christmas, I had to do my best to convince her you weren't.....broke her little heart :(
Ellie's class is already getting ready for Thanksgiving....
Ellie's turkey disguise?........a punk rocker dude. Very original.

1 comment:

  1. The girls will be glad to hear that we had our annual book sale and I found a few interesting ones for them,,,including a tropical fish book but Mady ,,you seem to know more varieties then this book has. Perhaps you can write a book about Guam.
