

Sunday, April 11, 2010

So Late....

It is so late! I had to do a lot of planning for classes this week. Not looking forward to going back tomorrow especially with Kevin and the girls being home. The benefit of that will be that I don't have to do anything to get the girls ready for school. Just have to get myself to work, so that'll be a treat :)
So I am going to let the pictures do most of the talking tonight........

Maddie did great at her ocean swim...didn't even hesitate to start and finished like she was on a stroll.

Went to Sumay day here on base but I will add more pictures of it tomorrow as my computer isn't cooperating with me just now.....

Kevin and Ellie loved Lightening Thief. I think Ellie loved it all the more because she had to read the book first, which makes her more in the big-girl realm. And also because the Percy Jackson books were kinda a Maddy thing- so anytime she can hop up to Maddy status, its exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Such a great smile from Maddy! Love it!
    I am glad Ellie liked the movie. Zion was not impressed......he hung in there until they "went to Hades" and then he was DONE! Mike had to take him out of the theater.
