

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quick Catch-up.

The girls survived their first day back. It might have helped that this morning I told them they had Pizza Hut to look forward to for supper. Actually even Kevin didn't have anything much to complain about. So begins another week.....

Ellie brought her land project in- apparently Ellie feels Raven's was the best in the class. I told her that I loved the project she made, to which she answered "No mom, you didn't see Raven's, her mountains were huge!" The greatest part of this conversation- not an ounce of jealousy in her voice. Just a lot of pride for her friend Raven. More often than not Ellie's kindness amazes me.

Maddy said there were mixed reviews over her new hairstyle. She said some didn't like the bangs-mostly the boys. I don't think it budged her opinion of her hair, she still loves the change in style.
Tomorrow Maddy has to bring her science fair project back in to school to enter it in the academic fair. Since she got fourth for the science fair her teacher wants it entered. Nice for Maddy getting the recognition- not so nice for mom who has to drag it back and forth! Don't mind me, I am still getting over carrying landforms in for Ellie this morning, which have to be picked up after school tomorrow I might add......

I got a phone call at work today- apparently because I am on contract I wasn't suppose to have been evaluated...... that was one of those "you've got to be kidding me" moments. I won't go into the details of the prep I had to do to get ready for that evaluation, not to mention the anxiety and schedule arranging- So what's really important about all that? ...........the fact that I scored in the second highest category! Means nothing now, but still feels good!

Aggie however is not feeling "good". Her breathing since her episode yesterday has gotten worse. Our goal now is to get her to survive till Wednesday. Trying to keep her super calm. Distracting her by getting her to sit for cookies. She has gained 5 pounds but she at least she is still breathing. Kevin wasn't sure what the vet is guessing is wrong with her- but I looked up what I think he was saying......... a paralyzed larynx- her voice box is blocking her breathing tube. Anyway- we'll see if that is really it........ again just trying to get her to keep breathing until Wednesday......

So, no pictures tonight- just an update.
Gotta run, I am late for the reading party on my bed with the girls- one of my favorite things :)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about Aggie girl..... not sure what to say. I'm hoping for the best though. HUGS!!!!!
