

Monday, December 21, 2009

Short and Sweet.

Sweet because I am officially on Christmas vacation- except I think it is pronounced more like "sa-weeet".
And short because I am officially on Christmas vacation, so am taking a night off from blogging :) Really, nothing new to blog so don't feel cheated.....

Wanted to be sure to send happy thoughts to Ann and Gene as they have been traveling across the snow laden eastern states to get to Michele's for Christmas. Their tender Mississippi make-up can't handle the snow, so I am sure its been a rough trip. Also thinking of Micki and family as they are traipsing through that same snow to get to a Christmas cruise. Though their rugged Canadian-ness will serve them well, it'll be like any other winter day for them! Then there is my friend Melda, waiting on a flight from Hawaii to get to Guam- their traveling not so stressful, worst thing that could happen is they spend Christmas at the beach. Godspeed to all of the travelers.

I gotta go get the turkey into the fridge to start its long defrost schedule. You know Christmas is coming when.....


  1. Just be glad you're not still up here. We got stuck for two days in Raford, a motel thankfully and not on the road...and poor Michele is paying for it. Next year if snow is scheduled she can come to Mississippi for Christmas. At least our snow is just rain...and warm at that.

    We do wish you were still here...and not there...we're really going to miss you this year.

    Love to all...

  2. Glad you made it in one piece! Miss you guys too- wish we were there, snow or no snow!
