

Sunday, February 28, 2010

No Tsunami!

First to get it out of the way- we are Tsunami free as of 11:30 this morning. We were under a watch since last night, but they called it off today- glad we didn't have that to worry about!

Friday I had Maddie at the Dr. for a major big-toe infection. You wouldn't believe this thing (I have a picture that I took to add to my integumentary system power point for my anatomy physiology class but I won't show it here- too graphic!). Her toe is swollen, red, and LOTS of pus. Poor thing. She is on antibiotics so we will hope for a speedy recovery. So far its not been too speedy so we will see..... The only benefit for her, she got to watch her sister at swim practice on Friday and Saturday- that seemed to cheer her up :)

Saturday we needed to do something that didn't have Maddie on her feet all day so we decided to drive around the south end of the island. We went to the "famous" Jeff's Pirate Cove- tourist trap-y but had a fun lunch at a beach restaurant.

Some nice scenery.

Sunday is Sunday- sad ending to a short weekend.
We had a guest speaker at church today- from Canada! Really interesting guy. He talked about having to get up at 6am tomorrow to see the big Olympic hockey game- side note on that, Kevin and I are on media blackout as we are taping the game to watch tomorrow night- so NO ONE is to tell us the outcome please! Go Canada!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about Maddie's toe! OUCH~!

    The touristy trap looks like a fun day.....
    My boys enjoyed it, and it was the first place that I had red rice. GOOD STUFF~!

    and the game was really, REALLY good!
    Close and exciting and overtime and all that fun stuff!

