

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My question is this....

I know we aren't suppose to promote gambling in our youth. But I am wondering if it is ok if we are using it for "good"?
As everyone knows (anyone who knows Maddie that is...) our Madison tends toward the negative side on things. She is always the first to react in a strong negative way against just about anything. Always in a thoughtful manner, but negative nonetheless. Well tonight I mentioned that a swim meet was coming up that you needed a BB time for- and told Maddie that should be her next goal. She immediately says "I don't really want to go to that meet" to which Ellie follows up with "Ya mom, I usually like to try new things but that meet doesn't sound good". So now I am angry- because yes, that is the usual Madison reaction and I accept her as she is- but now she is taking Ellie down with her. Madison can sense I am not happy, tries to sidle up to me and I say "No Madison, I am not happy with this, you get so negative- fine, but now you are being a bad role model for your sister". She suddenly says " I will stop being negative". I am doubtful at her conviction...... so I bet her $50 that she can't go three weeks staying positive...... not really thinking she will take me up on it- she loves her money and would never risk $50! But she took it, and spent the rest of the night positive. I am a little scared now, what I have done..... is this something to call child protective services over? And what lesson am I teaching her? If you care about something enough then put some money down on it? I think I lost mother of the year yet again.......
I am sorry the story was so long, but I wanted to be sure my side was told in case it goes to litigation.

Report cards did not come out today- I was a bit bummed because I am dying to know what has Madison worried about on hers. Of course she was fine with the one day reprieve......
Another waiting....the girls are waiting on an Amazon book order to come. As I was telling Barb earlier this week- you would think we were all so deprived. When a package comes in the mail here its like you won the lottery. We really have become a sad bunch on our isolated island......... So everyday now the girls are dying to get home after school to see if it has arrived- not today....

Tomorrow I should be able to tell about the report cards (hopefully!) and be able to state that the books have arrived- same bat-time, same bat-channel :)


  1. Please.......don't stress! Our world revolves around money! Some people call it allowance, instead of gambling, but it works the same way.
    Do your chores
    get your allowance
    I charge Michael a dollar for every pile of dog poop I have to pick up on the days that the lawn-mower guy comes.
    And 50 cents for every time I catch him without his seatbelt. (I mean, come on-he is 12, he should put it on automatically by now)
    So.......last week he got ZERO allowance.

    How's it going by the way?
    POSITIVE PATTY in the house?

  2. I wish, lasted one day and a half (well she was sleeping for the half, so really- one day) She called the bet off- I said, that is a forfeit and so you have to pay me- she said "no, because we never shook on it." Seriously......
