

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy 150th post!

I would like to thank my sponsors and my promoters ......

Can you believe that I (along with minimal input from guest bloggers...) have put in 150 posts? Has it gone quickly or do you find yourselves saying "when will she ever stop yammering on about nothing?"
The fact that I started blogging the week after we arrived, means we have been here on Guam for a fair piece of time now- almost right on 6 months....... half of a year........ one quarter of our total stay here...... I won't say its flying by but it is definitely trudging along.
Gotta say the girls and I are really excited at the summer coming closer and closer so we can make our way home for a bit. I am not sure if I am more excited about Canada (Barb hates it when I call home "Canada"-its very American to be so general!) this summer, or the end of my school year, May 30th.....I guess I will go with the end of my school year since it comes first :)

For now we will try to keep living in the moment, feeling blessed by the day we are given.....
And keep on blogging those days and moments so you can share them :)

Thanks for reading the previous 150 posts- I will check in with you again at 200 and see if you are still there.....


  1. Sam That is the most beautiful picture ever of the munchkins...please save it forever..If you send it by email please, this computer illiterate can copy it for the Grands. Love to all and agree that the summer will never come soon enough. All this white out there becomes rather boring.

  2. I agree ........that's a great pics of the girls! and my straight head is always so in awe of Ellie's (and your!) head! It's amazing!
