

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Full day- with not enough hours in it.

The girls and I finally branched out- left the base chapel behind and tried a church out in town that we had been wanting to attend. Very nice church- reminiscent of our church in Maryland which we have been missing! So we are excited to try it out for a few weeks and see if it fits. Fun-ily enough, we even ran into some people we knew-even had a girl from Maddie's class sit with us.

Right in the middle of the sermon- Ellie's tooth popped out. It had been hanging for days, so was more of a relief than a shock.
After church the girls and I went sock hunting. There is a crazy sock day this week at school. Of course, we are crazy sock challenged in this house. You would think finding knee socks would be easy- not so on a tropical island. Finally found some that are quite cute...and toe socks to boot!

Straight to grocery shopping (after a leisurely girls lunch out at Tony Roma's of course!) which included the purchase of the pumpkins and the candy. The pumpkins are being stored in a cool room- not a chance we are carving them before Saturday. I am thinking they will rot faster than we gut and light them.

The rest of the day was consumed with trying to catch up a weeks worth of house work into one afternoon. Add school work into that and you are all caught up to me blogging in my pj's.

I can't complain about how the week went in general....but here's to holding out for a week with a little less activity fitting into days with a lot more time in them.

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