

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Buckle your seat belts....

First, sorry for the no-blog day yesterday. Our cable is so not reliable- I had to delete a whole Heroes show because it was so scrambled it was un-viewable... thats like ripping a whole chapter out of a book!

So in light of the lack of blogging yesterday- today is a FULL blog so keep up...

The girls and I happily got out the Halloween decorations (ok, the girls were super excited- whereas I put it on my list of things to do that day). We have a Halloween town that goes up annually. The merry-go-round is full of ghouls and such-as it turns there is a scary witch voice that says "hey kiddies, wanna ride for free?- ee hee hee" ...its all so Halloween-ie! The other major portion of the town is Frankensteins' Castle where the mad scientist rolls the monster up to the lightening saying "he's alive, he's alive!". Its all chaotic and noisy when the girls play them all at the same time, but they love it.

Madison had a package today- it was from American Girl. She had ordered Bitty Twins with her birthday a big happy thank you to everyone who contributed to Maddie's final birthday present. She chose to adopt Japanese babies because "they are just so cute!" Ellie is officially (since Maddie's twin arrival today at 3pm) saving up for her own Bitty Twins. Ellie has decided to adopt a Japanese boy (the name she researched for him is Shou) and a Chamorro girl (I actually think it is Hispanic- but we are calling it a Chamorro baby). Ellie has dubbed the girl baby Raina. Stay tuned to see how long it will take her to save up for this purchase.....she's starting at $8.60.

I cleaned out my school room a bit today... literally getting the skeletons out of my closets. You would not even imagine the looks I got carting these bad-boys out. I think it gave 2 people heart attacks and a whole lot of people their giggle for the day. They are being donated to the forensics lab- don't know what they are doing to them and really don't care- so glad to have them out of my store room!

Now bear with me for this last bit. The picture for this story is less than great, but I severely doubt I could do any better. The picture was taken out the window of our moving car.
These are two dogs that are-everyday in the late afternoon- at the side of the main road on Guam. Not just at the side of the road- at the EXACT same spot on the side of the road. Always laying down in what little shade they have, always together, always there. There is no house nearby which makes us think they are boonie dogs, but the amazing part is they are their own little "pack" of two and have scouted out their own turf. They are so consistently there that they have become a point of in "turn at the corner right after the two dogs". Love seeing them there. I swear if I can ever get a better picture of them I will post it.
Well, thats it. Thanks for sticking with me through this excessive blog day :) I promise to be more pithy next time!

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