

Friday, October 30, 2009

Busy, busy....

Great day today, lots of Halloween talk for the girls. They are really excited for tomorrow. Of course tomorrow promises to be super busy- swim meet first thing in the morning, followed by a planned all day power outage here at home so we will try to stay busy out in town at least past lunch. It gets hot in here with no air-conditioning. What kind of base XO would plan a power outage on Halloween day? I have put my formal complaints in.

School today for me was different to say the least. I have had two days with a bit of a struggle with a couple of students and discipline issues. Today one jumped over the balcony- so I took him to the assistant principle to deal with that. Anyway- lots of high spirits in the students- too close to Halloween I guess. There was a school-wide planned activity afternoon today. Teachers were suppose to be present in the hallways to help try and dissuade any violence. I tell you what, being out there dealing with the rest of the student population makes me appreciate my 50 students all the more. The disrespect, and in my face attitude was incredible. Lots of staring me down speaking rudely and towering over me to intimidate. Cause seriously..... Well it was a good day for no fights though- only two "tiffs" broke out- that could be because they called in the police force to help contain the kids. The superintendent of the schools came to Southern High for an emergency meeting yesterday- trying to address the violence. Seems really epidemic-ish.

The best part of the afternoon was a really scary haunted house I went through! Haven't been scared like that in a while. The honors society at the school put on a haunted house for a fund raiser so we did a field trip for my whole 4th period class. SO scary! Really dark, lots of ghoulish people coming out at you....oy! I went through with 3 of my students and they clung so hard I still have bruises. Lots of fun for a good cause- extra neat because 3 or more of my students were the ones to set it up and were the actors in it. The administration originally cancelled the haunted house due to the violence, but the honors students put in some good arguments and was able to change their minds. I am glad for it, something positive in a school with some ongoing issues.

No pictures tonight, but I promise to make up for it tomorrow night- don't know if I am more excited about Halloween or about taking Halloween pictures with my new camera :)

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