Ellie has settled in to grade three, taking her place at table two in Mrs Kranz's room. Yes thats right- the room she wanted because its on the first floor of the school! Cracks me up that she wasn't hoping for a particular teacher, just that she wouldn't have to spend this year climbing those stairs everyday.....lazy or smart, you decide.

Here is her class... easy to spot Ellie- smiling and hugging.... totally not unusual for her!

Here is Bob. Bob the classroom fish. The class voted to name it Bob, much to Ellie's dismay as she would have liked his name to be "Pisces". She was out voted.

This was at her seat.... the idea was to read the papers and guess which belonged to your child. I would like to say that I guessed right- but this was my third choice...... I guess there are a lot of third grade girls who have similar likes to Ellie. I chose one kids paper who wanted to invest their million dollars..... maybe that was hopeful choosing?

This was the cute picture Ellie drew inside the guessing sheet..... love it.

Really nice classroom- pleasant looking, full of great opportunities and a teacher that Ellie likes.
Hoping for a great third grade year!
Hey Ellie and Maddie! I would have voted for "Pisces" too!!! Love