

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Open House - Part II, Middle School

Guest blogger tonight. On Tuesday, Sam went to Ellie's Open House, while I shuttled the kids back from swimming (Mike Thornton brought them to swim practice that night). Sam was needed at swim practice tonight (they were selling swimsuits, and she's somewhat in charge of that), so I went to Maddie's Open House.

I just looked over Sam's blog, and realize now that I've come up a little short on meeting the 'open house photo quota'. Well, in my defense, I was the only parent I saw that took ANY photos.

Sam may have mentioned this previously, but middle schoolers are no longer stuck in one classroom. So I visited all Maddie's classes in 10 minute intervals:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Creative Writing
Integrated Science
and Physical Education

I noticed several of us parents went from class to class together, so while many of the students come and go, Maddie seems to have a core group that stays together most of the day. One of the parents was Mrs. Kranz, Ellie's 3rd grade teacher, so I got to meet her as well.

Below is a life goal sheet I found in Maddie's Language Arts, Reading and Creative Writing class (she has this teacher for 3 of her classes). Apparently, as of 6th grade, Maddie's life goal is "to show bedlington terriers and have a dog/people cafe/spa/grooming salon". Sounds like a plan.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Kevin!
    I didn't take any photos!
    And the one teacher that Michael has for 3 different classes, I skipped out on one of his 3 chats. (World Geography, I think I get the jist of it!)
