

Friday, May 28, 2010

The end....

End of school for the girls.
End of elementary school for Maddie.
End of Southern High for me.
End of employment with Guam Community College too.
End of Tsunami swim practices until after summer.

Huge day for all of us. I think it hit Ellie the hardest. She did a lot of crying after school and during swim practice (hard to explain to the Japanese coach why their swimmer is crying while she is swimming....). Maddy is handling it all well........ some relief to be done 5th grade and some excitement to be getting back to Canada. The only hesitation for Maddy was leaving practice tonight.

I don't have as much relief as I thought I would. I checked out of both schools (Southern High and GCC) handing in keys getting my last paycheck and such, so I am completely jobless for the moment. Its a weight off my shoulders, but I kinda miss it already.....
Busy weekend ahead getting ready for our trip.

Just a heads up. I won't be blogging over the summer, but the good news it Kevin has said he wants me to leave my camera so he can blog! It won't be daily I am sure but I think you can probably count on once a week? That'll be a nice treat for you guys for the summer time!
So expect two more blogs from me then a whole summer with Kevin! It'll give him something to do, he gets so bored without the girls and I home..... ya right :)

1 comment:

  1. So......did you decide not to teach again?
    Or just don't know yet if your contract will be renewed?

    ANYWAY......hope your flight is uneventful and you have a great summer. Not sure if you saw Mike, but we decided to hold out for a house in the "new" phase......which may actually leave us homeless,(*not set to be completed until Aug 30th/same day as his lease at the beach house is over) but we are taking the gamble. The pack-out is July 13th and I am not sure yet about flights. (waiting on Michael's teacher to let me know about promotion to middle school etc. at the end of the school year)
    So......that gives us about 6 weeks at the beach house, and hopefully, enough time for the BIG BOAT to arrive with our belongings.
    Do you have a date for your return?
    I am not sure yet what Zion will chose for his birthday FUN, but certainly that you guys will be included.
