

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Thanks to my friend Mitsico, I got some Thai spice and tried my hand at green curry. It was fun making it- unfortunately as per Kevin, it tasted like "creamy stir fry"...... don't worry, I'm not giving up!
It did go really well with my Thailand coffee that Jodi brought me!
Thanks Jodi!

The girls had a bit of a down-time day, no morning practice. This is them cleaning their room:
You are right, there isn't much cleaning going on. They disappeared into their room for about an hour and a half and more mess happened than cleaning occurred. But they had fun while it happened- and of course cleaned up when they were done.

This is especially great since last week there was a tiff.
Maddy had caused an upheaval- there was the telling of an embarrassing story in front of Aunty Jodi...... it ended with Ellie crowning Maddy multiple times with a book, followed by Ellie bawling for the rest of the evening. Ellie was disciplined for hitting (of course) and what I said to Maddy was "you broke your sister, you better fix her".
This is how she "fixed" her:
I was impressed- and slightly weirded out that a spa day is her version of making things better....
Anyway, today was the spa day....
Nice to see it all working out.

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