

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday madness....

No real reason to call it "madness"- it just felt hectic today!
Kevin made it off the island without mishap. I heard from him earlier- he had made it to Hawaii. I'll keep you posted on his doings.
The girls and I went to pick up Kevin's car from the airport tonight (he left the house by 4am so he took himself to the airport). Huge thank you to Melda and the boys for driving us to get the car and then having a nice dinner out :)
Came home- hoping for early bed for the girls, ended up later than usual! There were projects to finish up, and frankly a lot of giddiness from having a weekday night that was different than the norm. I am not using the word "giddy" lightly.... crazy here tonight.

So on to random photos:
I had to take pictures in my classroom at lunchtime. (fyi, those are shrimp in the photo above)
Just so I can show you how they eat around here. (kim-chee noodles with the standard hot cheetos)
They all bring bunches of food- usually including rice and definitely some sort of meat- and share all of it in and amongst themselves. There are no packed-brown bag lunches here- random food, always shared. Different but I like that one person's food is everyone's food. Anyone who doesn't share food is said to be "stingy" with their food. Really love seeing their lunchtime ways.

And lastly:
Photos of my girls when I am picking them up from school.
My favorite time of day :)

1 comment:

  1. I like the "family style" lunch! Americans.......My neighbor was complaining about dirt all over the house. I suggested a "shoes off" policy. She didn't sound thrilled with the concept.
