

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Photos

Happy Sunday everyone!
The day started early for Kevin:
he was in a run-bike-run race, 4k run and 4.5k bike'n in the mud! He said it was really tough.... but its all in prep for the big Exterra road race which is a bike-swim-run race that is heinous! 8.2k run, 1k swim, and 31k bike. Oy.

After church Melda and Zion came over for some crafting time.
...I promise she isn't strangling him...
Ellie put together her valentine's cards for her class.
Maddy was scrapbooking a mini album of photos from two summers ago.
Both projects turned out really cute!

1 comment:

  1. Crazy Zion!


    Thanks for having us over. Always enjoying spending time with you all!
