

Sunday, May 15, 2011


The blogging website has been down for the last couple of days.....

Today was beach day!
Melda took this photo just as Kevin was soaking wet and sandy and trying to get it all over me! Nice!
Nice hang out we had at Gab Gab:
I spent most of my time right in one of those chairs!

But to recap real life over the last few days:
Winding down with my students...... 9 day countdown (really only 7 since the last two days I am sure to see VERY few students....)

Had play day part two after the swim meet on Saturday:
The girls loved having their friends over- I think we may try to have them for a sleepover before our time is up here on Guam.

And some Gab Gab photos from today:
Maddy loving the boogie board- she was often standing on it, sorry I didn't grab a photo of that!
Ellie built not just a castle- but an entire village system.
Love our time with the Thorntons :)
Excited to be spending our last weekends here doing Guam stuff with them.

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