

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We are just back from a town hall meeting (a "being supportive of the base" thing we did related to Kevin's new job). It was well run, but man there are some disgruntled people out there! Most of the complaints had to do with the schools. The thing that got me is the complaints weren't related to the education system and such, but more geared toward the aesthetics- uniforms, supply lists, students personal appearances etc. I guess I am relieved at this as it tells me the school as a whole must be good if all they had to complain about where these small things. The girls were very well behaved throughout.
Our day was quiet. Had lunch with Kevin, then went through the exchange (Madison's new favorite thing to do- remember its like a Walmart here on base) picking up a few things. The big plan in the next two days is to find and check out "the mall" here on Guam...I will let you know.


  1. Who chairs the meetings? Surely not Kevin?

  2. Na, it was his CO who ran it, he was there for "support"..... basically got to sit there and listen to the disgruntled and throw in a fact or two when needed.
