

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Kevin has mentioned this term used around here "OOG" which stands for "only on Guam". Like going to the pool on base today -which the sign says opens at 10am, but it wasn't. Returning at 11am as the guy there thought it opened then, but it didn't. Finally coming back way later to be sure to be within pool hours, only to find that noon was the actual opening time, but they are going to Fall hours this week- you guessed it, to be open at 10am. I won't even bother to outline cable guy and McDonald drive through incidents- its just so OOG.
School orientation went pretty well. Madison read a book all the way through it and Ellie continually asked how long "the man" - who happened to be the principal- was going to keep talking. Very little new information given, but its nice to have the handbook verbally reiterated. Comforting.
Unpacked zero boxes today, but I feel ok about that- it was mostly about entertaining the girls today, besides which they will be in school soon enough which will give me unlimited organizing time.....our walls will just have to stay blank a while longer.
No more geckos in the house yet...but they are looming- they hang out on the outside of the windows every night at sundown- guess I should be grateful that they are eating up the bugs, but kinda more creeped out then grateful. They make a really high pitched noise when disturbed. All this gecko business is why it has become Kevin's job to let Aggie out at night and in the early mornings- last thing I need is a screaming gecko in my hair! :) 'night everyone.


  1. Wondering, what's the native language of the "natives" on Guam and will the kids be learning this language at school ?

  2. Its Chamorro (sp?) and yeah, I am pretty sure that they will have Guam "culture" classes which include learning some of the language. You and Ellen and the kids should come visit so you can see it all for yourselves!

  3. Sam, is there a way to be automatically notified when you post your blog? If so, I haven't been able to find it yet.

  4. Hardly seems possible but the Staples are due back from Disney today..the time went very quickly. The Toronto EX is on so if you will remember that is a sign for rain and the end of summer,,,the summer that never was,,,,,,,I want to see a reserved sign under that palm tree if I should ever get to use my passport for any further then Welland. Willing to take my chances with the coconut missles.Loved ALL the pictures especially the view ..magnificent.
    We will eagerly await interiors.Let the girls tan up a bit ...I think the back of the TShirt says Outstanding Swimmers..even for Gringos.
    Joey just getting up so gotta run till next time.
    Loads of hugs and kisses to all
