

Monday, August 31, 2009

Two Firsts Today

Great day over all.
No tears going in this morning, and some positive stories coming out this afternoon.
The girls both like their teachers and classmates, so thats a start! Though Maddie is a little leery about her teacher....gave math homework on the first day, so the jury is still out on Mrs Topasnia.

The best part was after school, Ellie showed up at the "walkers door" right away. So she and I waited and waited....still no Maddie. 15 min later I started to worry, went in the school and had someone go look for Madison in her classroom. The seeker came back with Madison in tow. Turns out Maddie had come down to the walker door, hadn't seen Ellie so went back into the school looking for her. She went to Ellie's classroom, asked around- made a real effort to find her. This is seriously a first...Maddie feeling responsible for Ellie. Really made me so proud of her.
I'd definitely say a really good day of firsts.

An added surprise for the girls today... Kevin got to be the guest bell-ringer at the "ringing in the new year" assembly at the school. They really enjoyed having their Dad (and Mom was invited to sit up with the official-bell-ringing-party too) participating in a school event...Kevin would love the participating part more if he didn't have the public speaking part that goes with it!

1 comment:

  1. We are really enjoying this, Sam...thanks for taking the time to write it up and post the photos. Ann even came out to the computer before me this morning (actually I wasn't up yet) to read the blog.

    The girls (and my son) look great.
